Tuesday, September 13, 2011

you are never going to guess the temperature here...

When we got in the car this morning, at 10:55, it was 77 degrees outside!!!! AH!!!!!! I am so happy. We had a teensy bit of rain this weekend (which was cool, because the Stake held a fast on Sunday to get rain) and today it is only supposed to get up to 85! Perfecto! I want to go tracting for 4 hours - that is how happy I am about this weather! I don't know if I already told you, but this has officially been the hottest summer Houston has seen in 150 years (since they started keeping track of the temperature). Yeah. Welcome, Sister Hicken, to Texas. There was ONE day in the entire month of August that it was under 100 degrees. Sick. But, I survived. And I sweated. So so nasty.
This last week was a good one! I am feeling much better, and this may be retarded, but SO much of it has to do with the cooler weather. Seriously, I don't like the 100 + humidity, and it makes me in a bad mood. This weather, though, is gorgeous. And next summer will be cooler.
My second transfer comes to a close! Weird! I only have 10 more. (Mikelle has been gone for SIX MONTHS!!!) Me and Sister Lundgren both don't know about transfers, we both could stay, or one of us stay, etc. We don't think they're going to flush us, though. So I'm nervous, but I don't think about it too much cause what can I do about it? Nada. We are loosing one of our Zone Leaders, Elder Serdar, and we know for sure they are flushing two of my FAVORITE Elders. I'm so bummed about it. Elder Jenkins is such a bold straightforward missionary, and I have learned a lot from his example. And Elder Olsen is just really really funny. He lives in Alpine, Utah, so you will get to meet him someday when I get home. Speaking of home, you guys and Sister Lundgren's family should meet sometime! For dinner or lunch or something! Wouldn't that be cool? They live off of 94th somewhere. They went to Alta high school. What do you think? If you want to, let me know and I'll get their address.
Well. Last P-Day we played that bubble game that you sent, Mom. And it was such a hit! You're the best. Elder Olsen won! He shared his prize with everyone, though, cause he was like "I wasn't in it for the Razzles." It was so funny. Man, I am in the best mood today! It was also good becuase Sister Cochran's companion doesn't ever really get involved too much on P-Day and she got involved with the bubble game. So, Mom, you are a miracle worker and I love you! I'll send just a few of the gazillion pictures I have.
James is doing so well! I am so happy every time I see him, becuase I see how happy he is becoming. His life is still hard, he still has a billion challenges with school, and family, and everything, but he is so happy. Brother Arnsten gave him a suit to wear to church, and he wore it yesterday and he just looks like a completely different person than who we met a few weeks ago. Not him, so much, but his countenance. He has such a light in him. He bore his testimony in Fast and Testimony meeting, and it just about blew the entire ward away. He was so composed, and has such a solid testimony. This is an incredible blessing for me to be able to witness. And how great is our ward? We got a new ward mission leader! His name is Brother Bowers and he just moved here from Oregon, where he was the bishop! He is diving in to this calling, and I am so grateful for it. We are now trying to "detach" from James just a little, because we are transitory as missionaries and we want him to be solid in the ward. But I think he will be, the ward is so wonderful and involved in his life. Someone is even looking into helping him find a job. He always talks about how cool it would be to be a missionary.... but he understands that he has 2 kids and he needs to be responsible for them. He is going to have the best life, though! I am so happy for him.
We haven't been finding other people to start teaching very well. But we will, we will find them. Karen is sick right now, and she has lost a little fire that she had before. But we are hoping that as she starts to get better phsycially, she will regain that. We hope.
Yesterday was a fun p-day too. I love P-day. I like, NEED P-Day. I'm grateful that there are so many missionaries close to us.
Dad! Dad Dad Dad I am so happy for you!!! I have prayed for you a lot, and hoped that this would be what you would choose! And I can tell already that you are happier. I'm sure it is difficult and overwhelming at times, but I see that you are happier! And that is the best. How is the Stake? You asked about the Doctrine of Christ, and the cool thing was that we learned in the MTC, it is our purpose as missionaries. The Doctrine of Christ is Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, Repentence, Baptism, Recieving the Gift of the Holy Ghost and Enduring to the End. And, as the first page of preach my gospel states "Our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them recieve the restored gospel, through Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, Repentence, Baptism, Recieving the Gift of the Holy Ghost and Enduring to the End." How cool is that?? I love it.
Did you guys like the U game?? Please tell me that they won! The funny thing was that I got Dad's letter on Thursday when we came in for the night, and it was a little after 9 o clock, so I looked at the clock, and realized that you guys were all at Rice Eccles! It was cool. But I wished I could have come too :] No big deal, I'll be there in 2 seasons. Marcus sent me a PAC-12 UofU shirt! I love it! I'll send a picture.
Mom, I LOVED your description of the backyard at the Churchs! Maybe we can talk them into serving Peanut Butter Sandwhiches. I can't wait to go see it. How is the rest of the ward? Cool that there is a new couple in the ward, how are the Robinsons doing? How is Taylor smith doing? How are the Crowleys at their new ward and how's Dominic (at West Point, right?) I would love to hear about all the happenings in the wasatch 8th. My supply of pills is gone! So have Sara Kate come help you :] I would love a copy of that picture of you and your girlfriends at the wedding! Can you get one for me? Thank you for telling me about your talk with Sister Weaver! I hope she's doing good, and that President Weaver is sleeping at some point. I just adore the Crawfords. I know that God knew I would benefit from being close to them at the mission home for this first haul. Also, I have yet to see a Zupas in Texas. But we eat mostly with members. We try not to eat out too often because we're trying to be healthy :] aaaand.... Porter is extremely limited restaruant wise. I'm so excited about the skirts! I will not care about the sizes. :] I still fit in all my clothes that I brought with me so far, so I think I'm doing well. How is work? How is Wilsy?
James! Way to go man! You sound like you're doing good! And you're DONE WITH p90x!!! WHAT?! That is so intense! How do you look? How do you feel? Are you doing a supplemental program now? How is the U? What classes are you taking? How is work? Are you a chief runner yet? You should be. I love your letters, and I read them over and over again. Keep them coming please.
Jonny, how was homecoming? Or has it not happened yet? How is basketball? Are you growing still? Mom told me that James says you are a "freak of nature" because you're so tall. Are you taller? Why don't you and James take a picture together and then send it to me. So I know what my family looks like. Gracias. How is senior year? What are you taking? I hope you're having fun and being good.
I love you all so much. You are the best. I am in the world's best mood today, which is so great. I pray for you, and for the things you guys come up against. I know God loves each of us. And I have wanted to know that personally for so long, and now I'm positive of it. Because I know that now, I know that God will help me gain all the knowledge that I ask for. He will help me where I am weak. I will be strong in those areas someday, but I will have to grow (which is uncomfortable sometimes) to get there.
Thank you for supporting me. I am trying to live worthy of all the blessings I receive. I want to hear about all of your lives, and whats going on. Please tell me!
St. John 3:30 was shared in a conference a few weeks ago. "He must increase, but I must decrease." That is how I feel. That is my goal. To be like my Savior and have my weaknesses decrease. I love you all.
Write to me! And TAKE A PICTURE! And send it. Love you.
Elder Paletu'a ordered a one pound hamburger. And demolished it in like 10 minutes. He is awesome.
Elder Olsen with the razzles and the winning bubble.
Sister Lundgren and Elder Sadleir
Porter Texas. The Perfect amount of country for me.
oh, PS remmeber the sausage guy my first weekend in porter? Well, we stopped by last weekend and he was playing the fiddle with a bunchof his friends accompanying him! Ooooh, it was so cool. It was like a movie. I got a video.

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