Thursday, March 10, 2011

oh. my.

Guess who I saw at the local Cafe Rio in Cottonwood Heights last night??

Yes. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is Crazy Michelle of Bach-fame. Jenna (who happens to work part-time as a member of the paparazzi) snapped this photo while we were in line.
Guys, we may have all misjudged her. For one thing, her mom and dad are really normal and really nice. For another, she said "Sorry" when Jenna reached around her to get a straw...
But, then again, Jenna did get sick after eating her salad last night.... I'm just sayin, the salad was there, Jenna was there, crazy Michelle was there...

P.S. First e-mail from Sister Norton today! Hoo-rah.

1 comment:

  1. ooooo emmmmmmm geeeeeeeeee! i can't believe this. and i can't decide if i think she is crazy or not...especially after watching "the women tell all"...its a mystery!
