Thursday, August 16, 2012

my dear dear dear family

I love you all. Thank you all for everything you continue to do for me. I appreciate it more than you could possibly understand. Thank you to all of my wonderful extended family, aunts and uncles and grandparents, who write to me even though I am not so faithful at responding. I will repent :] I promise.
I'm getting transferred tomorrow. I think it will be a really good thing. I have learned so much from being here with this wonderful wonderful Sister. I love her so much, it will be hard to leave but also very good for both of us I think. Sister Mokeaki, when we found out, said "Maybe when you get transferred your family don;t write to me anymore." And I said "That's not true!" Please continue to write her when you get a spare minute. It doesn't have to be every week, but do it when you can. She will be so blessed by your efforts.
We had a pretty good week. We're doing better. We have two investigators with baptismal dates. Right in time for me to leave, awesome right? It's okay though. We had one reactivated sister at church yesterday too. Her goal is to get to the temple, so she has been coming more. People need goals. In Proverbs it says "Where there is no vision the people perish". So true. We need a vision. In our monthly message from the assistants, they gave us a quote from President Kimball I believe that said "If only you could see the vision I have. I wish I had your bodies for this work. I would run from house to house telling everyone about the gospel. And when I had lost my strength to run, I would walk. And when I could no longer walk I would crawl. And when my knees were too bloody to crawl I would drag myself with my arms. And when every muscle was spent in my body I would begin to yell. Oh, if only you could see the vision I have!" Love that.
So our investigators, one of them is Billy Jo. She is the cutest little old lady who lives in the same apartment complex as like 10 of our active members (right across from the church) and the bishop's dad took us over to see her. She is awesome. Oh I already told you about her. We went back to give her a lesson 1 in full form and invite her to be baptized. She is the sweetest thing and so humble. She said if she knew it was true by her date, she would get baptized. So we'll work our best to get her there.
The other investigator, Kimberly, was taught while I was on exchanges in La Porte. It was very good to be back in La Porte and good to be with Sister Cochran. I don't know how we managed it, but we have been on like 90 exchanges in our times as missionaries. But she apparently really liked the book of Mormon and she accepted the baptismal challenge. The only problem is that yesterday when I called to invite her to church she was like "I am rearranging my room." Just a step above "I'm watering my plants" or "I have to wash my hair". So we are going to have to address the importance of church attendance.
Other than that we've been trying to see people and trying to get in with people. I've realized that I have been selfish and prideful. Pride Pride Pride. It is at the root of EVERY problem in life. EVERY single one. I am convinced. So if that's true, than humility would be at the root of every solution in life. And I think that's true too. Haven't tested it yet, but I plan to.
Thank you for the packages you sent me, Mom and Dad and James. I have loved listening to the CDs. The one talk "Grace is Sufficient" is one that sister mokeaki has already heard and loves and we have used in teaching members. And then yesterday in church the high councilor talked about it. That was really cool. I think I need to learn that, too. Practice practice practice. Also I've been taking a look at my motives. Are my motives for doing what I'm doing pure? They need to be selfless instead of selfish. I need to stop thinking about myself. Why in the world can't I do that better?
We went by John's house (who is across from us listening to the book of mormon on the internet as we speak. love him.) and he was getting ready to go to the temple for the very first time. I was soo jealous and sooooo happy for him. He had a great time, we talked to him on Sunday at church and he said it was great that he wanted to go back.Yay yay yay! That is where we want anyone that we baptize and he just only got baptized in July. Actualyl a month ago tomorrow. So cool.
Say Hi to Daren for me! I cannot believe that he is home. That is so so nuts. I hope he's doing good. I'm down for dennys in december. ha. alliteration.
How are yall? I know I've been needy lately, but I do want to hear about how yall are doing? I hope everything's good. Jonny when do those papers go in??? ASAP! :] I'm way glad that youll be there when I get home. WAY WAY WAY glad. James, are you excited to go back to school? HOw are the ladies? I still need the green light from you to set you up with Lundgren and Bouwhuis. Dad, how is everything with the stake and with work? I cannot wait to come home and really see what you do for work. I'm excited to come see your office! Mommy, how are you? Thank you for being so wonderful. When we were on our exchange, Sister Cochran quoted "The Holiday" and we decided that right after we get home you and me and Cochran and her mom are gonna watch "the Holiday"... let's do it!
I'm going to be better. I promise. But one of the things that I really am learning from my experience is the Plan of Happiness. God's plan for us required a Savior. Which means it also required sin and mistakes from every one of us. And apart from those sins and mistakes it also required weakness. How many times do we read Alma 41:10 and in our minds say "weakness never was happiness"?? That's not what is says at all. Weakness is not wickedness. That's hard for me and I would guess it's hard for others. Weakness is not sin. Weakness is not wickedness. It's just weakness and it's a very important part of being a human being. I have thought so many times," oh if only I was good enough I just wouldn't need to go through the pain and fail and repent." But what I am really saying is "Oh, if only I was good enough, I wouldn't need the Savior. I wouldn't need his atonement." And that is dangerous pride, is it not?
I hope yall are good. I hope yall are not as hard on yourselves as we're prone to be. Coach your minds and you will be happy.
So, write to the mission office again this week. Ugh. Let's hope they send them on. But if not I will live. I will give you my new address asap next monday. LOVE YOU.

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